In this VIN the first 3 digits are the world manufacturer ID (see list below), the fourth digit is the weight class (see weight class list below).
#Harley davidson golf cart parts serial number code
The VIN numbers of this era where 9 digit codes where the first two digits corresponded to the model code (see list below), the next 5 digits were the production numbers (always starting above 10,000) and the last 2 digits were the year code (see list below).įrom 1981 to present the VIN has been a 17 digit code located on the frame and abbreviated on the engine. The engine numbers where 10 digit numerical IDs. The VIN numbers affected are 43000H9 through 48199H9. The idea was quickly killed after law enforcement notified Harley-Davidson that it made the bikes look stolen. If the production number had 5 digits the first two digits would be odd during odd production years and even during even production years.įrom 1970 to 1980 the VIN number could be found on both the frame and the engine and would match exactly with the exception of a few months in 1979 which was due to an idea by the factory to make them different. The VIN was between 8 and 10 digits with the first 2 digits being the production year, the next 2 – 4 letters being the model designation and the last 4 digits being the production numberįrom 1962 to 1969 the VIN numbers where pretty much the same as from 1930 to 1962, but if the production number had 4 digits the first digit would be odd during odd production years and even during even production years. Unfortunately there is very little information out there for these numbers and what information is available is not always very accurate.įrom 1930 to 1962 the VIN number was the engine number and was only located on the left case. Prior to 1930 H-D VIN numbers were a bit erratic and model number designations changed frequently. If it is not in this article, we can not help you. So, if you are unable to find an answer to your question please DO NOT contact us. However, we DO NOT provide support related to VIN numbers. That being said this article is written to be a helpful guide, and hopefully you find it as such.
In this article of Tech Tips we’ll breakdown the progression of VIN numbers used by Harley-Davidson and explain what they all mean. Take care of your vintage vehicle and don’t forget to pass it on to person who will care for it as you do.We found 0 results matching your criteria.
Once you apply this mix to your Harley Davidson golf cart, you will be able to enjoy your vehicle without fear of burning the motor up. It is a lot less expensive to buy a new plug than it is to rebuild the engine. Be prepared to convert out the plug before going to the second tank of gas. Keep in mind that this first tank (the one using 3 ounces of oil) may foul the plug. Once this first tank is used up, decrease the oil to 1.5 ounces per gallon of gas. If your Harley Davidson golf car has a recently rebuild engine, you want to use 3 ounces of good quality 2-cycle oil for each gallon of gas in the first tank of gas. Note: Virtually all other 2-cycle gas engines use less than this which is why so many population are fooled into making this terrifying mistake. In order to get the right mix in your Harley Davidson golf cart, you want to use 1.5 ounces of high grad 2-cycle oil for each gallon of gas. In severe instances, the motor will lock up and will have to be rebuilt in order to bring it back to service. This whole area is then prone to overheating which can lead to major damage to the motor if the motor is left to run for any length of time. When there is not adequate oil in the mixture, the first thing that happens is that the piston begins to heat up, followed by increased heating of the other motor parts that are nearby the combustion chamber.
More often than not problems arise in this area because there is not adequate two-cycle oil in the mix. Oil Mix For the Harley Davidson Golf Cart